If you’d met me before I became a mother, and asked me what I thought about the slang term ‘MILF’ (Mother I’d Like to F***), I would have served you a million and one reasons why it was a disgusting slur.
It’s objectifying! It’s harassing! It’s derogatory!
I would have grudgingly admitted that maybe the term is a little bit of fun. It does contrast two roles which, historically, have been viewed as disparate –the mother and temptress.
Yet, ‘MILF’ is hardly a compliment. It says more about the selfishness of the person who dishes that acronym out. It’s not like they’re calling a woman a MILHMSOCSWHR, or “Mother I’d Like to Have Mutually Satisfying and Orgasmic Consensual Sex With in a Healthy Relationship”. Plus, that collection of letters is just too hard to pronounce.
But then, one day, I was actually called a MILF as I walked down the street with my 2 month old daughter strapped to my chest in a Baby Bjorn.
And, I’m ashamed to say…I liked it.
Even worse, being called a MILF gave me such a huge self-esteem boost that when I came home, I was grinning. I happily recounted the story to my husband, Jeff.
“I was walking down the street with Emmy, and this young guy leaned out of his car window and shouted ‘MILF’ at me!” I told Jeff, excitedly.
Jeff smiled at me, before saying, “You’re back, baby!”
Even as I write this now, it seems like it happened to someone else. Here’s a few words that most people would use to describe me: feminist, aggressive, sensitive, easily offended. The words “enjoys being sexually harassed in public” do not form part of my personality at all.