Dear husband,
I am writing this to you at the end of our third round of IVF. Our eighth round of fertility treatment for our second baby. 12 rounds in total.
And the results aren’t great.
The hormones are starting to wear off, whatever has been leaning so heavily on your shoulders seems to have been removed, the sun is shining, and we have space to feel… something real for the first time in months. Something that isn’t grief, pain or fear.
While you're here watch 'It is tough' Bianca Dye reveals about IVF. Post continues after video.
But this is today. These days are few and far between at the moment. How weird is this feeling of relief when our latest news has been so devastating, babe? It is such a confusing proposition that, if you feel like me, it is almost too tiring to contemplate. People may wonder why we feel relief when everything landed so far from what we dreamed of.
But babe, they are unlikely to realise the day-to-day process of fertility treatment and what an absolute beast it is. I don’t believe we acknowledge it enough. This may help us remind ourselves that our marriage isn’t as broken as it so often feels.
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