
30 minutes to a sleek physique: The no-equipment workout you can do anywhere

You don’t need to hire a personal trainer or even hit the gym to get fit. Try this quick at-home routine and use your own body weight for resistance.

The Urban Jungle Workout

This workout, designed by Urban Jungle, a bootcamp program based in New York City, can be done a

Jungle Squat: Tone Your Thighs and Butt

What you're working: Quads, glutes, hamstrin

Push Up: Tone Your Arms

What you’re working: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and trap

Reverse V Lunges: Sculpt Your Legs

What you’re working: Quads, glutes, hamstrings,

Modified Chair Dips: Tone Those Triceps

What you’re working: Triceps, pectorals, r

Cardio Time: Burn Some Serious Calories

What you’re working: The whole body is eng

Lateral Jumps: Get Those Quads Burning

What you’re working: The whole body is enga

Inch Worms: Get Killer Abs

What you’re working: Obliques, hip flexors and other mu

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