
The 10 fitness trends set to take over in 2016.

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Prepare yourself: the top 10 fitness predictions for 2016 have just been released.

While at-home exercise and mindfulness yoga proved popular in 2015, experts from the American College of Sports Medicine are predicting some significant changes in the way we keep fit, with a move towards harder and more intense activities that deliver immediate results. It’s time to get sweaty.

Building on its success this year, wearable technology — like fitness tracers, smart watches and GPS tracking devices — has taken out the top spot, closely followed by body weight training (basic exercises that requires minimal equipment) and High Intensity Interval Training programs that are short and sharp.

It’s good news for seasoned exercisers too, with greater focus predicted for age-appropriate fitness programs designed to keep older people fit and healthy. (Yoga is also set to remain popular – here’s a routine to get you started. Post continues after video.)

The Top 10 trends

1. Wearable Technology

2. Bodyweight training

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

4. Strength training

5. More educated and experienced fitness professionals

6. Personal training

7. Functional Fitness –  using strength training to improve balance and ease of daily living.

8. Fitness programs for older adults.

9. Exercise and weight loss.

10. Yoga.

While many of these trends are simply building on popularity from this year, there are a few surprises in the lineup.

The biggest for Rosemary Marchese, National Training Maestro for the Australian Insititute of Fitness was the drop of weight loss programs from number six to nine.

“Considering the climbing obesity and overweight levels, this alarmed me at first, but upon reflection I think this may be because people are starting to focus more on their fitness rather than directly on weight loss,” she says. (Post continues after gallery.)

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“Generally as you get fit the fat starts to drop off and the scales won’t be as meaningful anyway as you start to build more lean muscle tissue because muscle weighs more than fat.”

Another notable change is the shift away from the cheaper DIY at-home options to more expensive ways of keeping fit, such as fitness technology and hiring personal trainers.

Marchese believes the are three reasons for this; people fed up of not seeing results, a desire to have the latest gadgets and also a growing move by the industry as a whole to rely on these devices to complement their work outside of training hours.


While yoga looks set to continue to dominate exercise classes around the country, it's about to get funkier.

"The main changes I am seeing in regards to yoga is the incorporation of yoga into different styles of training and classes, rather than a change to the type of yoga per se," she says. For example, it's not uncommon to see group classes that combine yoga and dance, and more music is being incorporated into some yoga classes

Exercising to some seriously dancey tunes? Hello 2016.

What do you think of the exercise predictions?