
13 bad habits that are actually good for your health

Ditch the guilt! These health “hazards” can banish fatigue, ease depression, speed weight loss and more

Fidgeting and Squirming

Fidget, pace, bounce a foot, twirl your hair, fiddle with the phone cord...those small muscle moveme


Spending 20 minutes chatting with a trusted friend about other people’s news (and, yes, e


Almost 75 percent of women put off their to-dos once in a while -- and one in four do it

Not Cleaning Up After Dinner

Don’t feel guilty about not keeping the place pristine clean.


Studies at California’s Loma Linda University and elsewhere suggest regularly connecting wi

Sipping Coffee Instead of Water

Water cures all and coffee is evil, right?

Caving into Chocolate

No surprise.


Despite all the hoopla surrounding red wine, researchers at Corvallis’ Oregon State Univer

Staying Late at Parties

Hanging around at fun gatherings to yak with great friends can actually cut your ris

Eating the Yolk

Heard about that recent Canadian study that said eating eggs is almost as tough on your hear

Opting for Full-Fat Dairy

Here’s great news if you hate skimmed milk and low-fat cheese -- Harvard

Feeling Lazy About Exercise

Always wishing you could be one of those people who does crossfit and runs ul

Dreaming About the Vending Machine

*Dreaming About the Vending Machine Are you ever mad at yourself for e


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