
10 steps to getting a pay rise

Are you waiting for your employer to offer you a pay rise? You shouldn’t be. Even if they do offer you one, it’s likely to lead to you making a compromise and agreeing to terms you’re not happy with. To get the rise that your value to the organisation deserves, you should request a pay rise yourself, so that you can negotiate on your own terms.

By Nisa Chitakasem

Get the timing right

If you can, wait until your company’s next pay structure review to ask for a rise.

Build a business case

Building a business case is all about bringing firm, hard evidence of your value to the negotiation table.

Be ready to go

On the day of the negotiations, it’s important to look the part and also feel as good as possible on the inside.

Enter negotiations smartly

Begin negotiations with the end in mind. When you enter that room, make sure you already know what it is you deserve.

Let the employer go first

Although you should be aware of what you’re looking for, let the employer name a price first.

Turn down the first offer

The first offer the employer makes is unlikely to be what you’re looking for.

Sleep on it

You’re also within your rights not to give an answer there and then.

Be prepared to walk

Think about the implications of not getting what you want and be prepared to walk.

Confirm the agreement

If you do manage to reach an agreement, summarize what you believe it to be before the meeting ends.


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