Feels good, doesn’t it? (Source: iStock.)
With a brand new year just around the corner, the time is ripe for thinking about how you can improve on the year that was. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about quitting sugar or using coconut oil on your hair/food/skin/children.
No, what we really need to quit in 2016 are the unhelpful mind tricks that we play on ourselves.
1. Comparison.
You are enough. Yes, you. You are real, authentic and flawed and we wouldn’t want you any other way. Stop scrolling through your Instagram feed comparing your body and lifestyle to the hyper-filtered, uber-edited versions presented by celebrities and social media stars.
Watch former Instagram It-Girl, Essena O’Neill, explain why social media isn’t ‘real’. (Post continues after video.)
Every time you see that friend who you think is more successful/happy/skinny/curvy/whatever than you, remind yourself of one thing you’re grateful for in your own life. Even your most “perfect” friends have their own private struggles, too.
2. Judgement.
In our culture of social media “likes” and reality TV evictions, it sometimes feels like we’re encouraged to judge others.
When I'm thinking nasty thoughts about someone else, the scrutiny and criticism that I apply to myself is ten times worse. And overall, I feel better about life when my mind is filled with good thoughts and intentions, rather than cruel ones. Think of it as a spring clean - for your brain.