Your child is shy. Maybe they are more than shy. And despite all your patience, and love of course, you want them to be more … more? Well, less shy anyway. You don’t want to label them as introverts. It seems extreme to call a seven-year-old an introvert. But introverts no longer have the anti-social rap they used to. Introverts change the world. Introverts are strong and lead rich lives. Just ask Susan Cain author of The Quiet Power of Introverts.
“The world’s introverts include everyone from Gandhi to Rosa Parkes, Emma Thompson and Bill Gates,” the self confessed introvert says in her podcast, Introverts, Power and the Quiet Revolution.
“And all these people made their contributions to the world because of, not in spite of, their quiet temperaments,” Cain says. “Introverts can be deep thinkers; loyal and passionate friends and sometimes quiet kids can feel overwhelmed by classrooms and sports leagues and parties.”
According to Cain the difference between introverts and extroverts is how they get their energy.
“It’s not about shyness, which is the fear of social judgement. Some introverts are shy, some are not and shyness is a big piece of our puzzle. But introversion is about feeling more alive and in a state of equilibrium when you are in a quieter, lower key environment, while extroverts recharge their batteries by being out and about with a lot of people.”
If you want to test whether your child – or yourself – is an introvert or extrovert Cain suggests to ask these three questions.
- When at a party, one that you are really enjoying do you have about two hours in you before you want to go home and get in your pyjamas? An extrovert will be energised by the party and want to stay, an introvert will be depleted of energy.
- Do you think before you speak (introvert)? Or do you process your thoughts as you speak (extrovert)?
- Do you prefer one on one conversations (introverts), or larger group settings (extroverts)?
Cain cautions that recognising and taking into account the temperament of your child is not about shielding them from situations that make them uncomfortable. A parents’ job, she says, is to help them overcome their fears in thoughtful and productive ways.
Top Comments
I like being an introvert. Purely for the sake of enjoying my own company and not needing to be with people. I don't like being shy tho. It's something I've had my whole life. Most people are shocked to find out that I'm shy but I am. Especially when my self esteem is low. Then I am down right timid.
How about learning to spot when your child has had enough of socialising and accept that they want to be on their own or leave? Seriously, introverts are not a problem to be fixed.