I’m the mother of a toddler and a newborn; minding my own business, slopping around the kitchen in Uggs and a dressing gown.
I take a slurp of coffee, open up my Facebook account and there it is. I frown, and click on the new message in bold.
You look evil, the message says. Ugly hair too, the writer adds.
It’s my sister. I haven’t seen or heard from her in over two years.
My mother uses the term schizophrenic, although it’s never been formally diagnosed. The truth is, it runs deeper than that. The problems are complex; and involve issues of parental abandonment, divorce, mixed families and mental health.
I haven’t written anything since my partner and I had children, but this recent event has jolted me back into life. It’s time to write. I can’t hold this story in anymore.
I am my mother’s third child, the first born of a second marriage. My sister was in her early teens when I was born. Growing up, Alexandra was my hero. I thought of her as part-sister, part-mum.
But by the time I was in primary school, Alex, a talented songwriter and singer, was well into a party life, decorated with all the likely trimmings including marijuana and ecstasy. My parents made little attempt to hide the fact from their much younger children .
“She’s on drugs” was the default explanation for bouts of emotional hysteria, aggression and long periods of absence from the family.
Top Comments
I have a toxic friend of over 20 years who is like this. I have been patient and kind and have tried to help her get help and help herself many many many times. I've put up with all sorts of abuse and cruelty. I've looked after her children when she has decided she 'can't be a mum right now'. I've apologised for things that she accuses me of that I haven't done. I know she knows I haven't done it either but usually she has done something she is ashamed of but she makes a bigger deal of something I've supposedly done to distract from that. I've put off my life to care for her and her children. In the end, long after our friendship
was dead, I stuck around only for the children's sake. Because no agency will help because they aren't physically broken or bruised. Because they live in anxious anticipation, like they have a monster under their bed. They deal with so much.
You are 100% right. Sometimes you just have to call an arsehole an arsehole. Yeah, arsehole may benefit from counselling and medication etc but arsehole doesn't want that. Arsehole wants to keep playing the victim card. Arsehole has worked out a really great way to manipulate and control people by getting her own way because if people stand up to her it's so much worse than if you just put up with it. But arsehole is making her kids miserable. She is making me miserable. It affects my partner. It affects my child. Arseholes days of being an enabled arsehole are over. Her days of doing whatever she wants while we walk on eggshells are over. No more putting her wellbeing above anyone else's just because she has issues. I agree mental illness is like any other disease and requires treatment, at some point people need to be responsible for their actions if they refuse treatment time and time again.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. If she refuses to get help time after time you need to look after you. Author, block away!
This is so close to my story I actually wondered if it were possible I wrote it subconsciously, ha!
No one understands the heartache of loving a mentally ill family member who refuses treatment and attacks you for having what they can't have, unless it's them.
I have cut off my sister. I had to. I have received a lot of criticism, but I had to for my own mental health.
I love my sister, always have, always will. But I cannot be the devil she says I am. I don't deserve it. I've done nothing wrong.
It's taken several years of therapy for me to be at peace with myself and with my decision. But I am now.
Now I just prey my sister can find peace in her life and her own world.
To the author, sending love your way for your peace too love