And foods to try with the whole family in the first year of solids.
As mums, most of us pay so much attention to what we eat and drink during our pregnancies. But by the time it comes to starting solids we’re so exhausted from trying to keep up with the daily chaos of life with a baby that we just simply don’t have time to devote a huge amount of creativity to our food choices.
Starting solids with Molly (that’s our cute little 4am-waking munchkin) was a wild adventure. Molly, like her mother, is fiercely independent and right from the beginning she point blank refused to let us feed her. Instead, demanding to try and use the spoon herself or eat finger food.
My husband and I said from the start that we wanted to give Molly no added sugar and low salt food options. I don't hate sugar. In fact, far from it. I love nothing more than devouring a giant piece of chocolate cake for dessert. But for our kids, I’m of the opinion that the less sugar and salt they get the better. That's why my daughter won't be getting sugar (or at least much of it) until she turns 3.
We’d read up on how important the first few years of nutrition were to a child and like every parent wanted to do the best for our child. New research has shown that the first 1000 days of a child’s nutrition are the most important, when it comes to laying the foundations for their future health.
But after just a few short weeks of cooking separate meals for Molly and my husband and myself. Life was getting pretty tough.
I was struggling with making finger food type options for Molly that were sugar-free and low salt along with feeding myself and my husband and keeping up with everything else that comes along with a baby.
I desperately wanted to keep up with our pledge for Molly’s nutrition but had no idea how I could keep on top of it all without figuring out how to clone myself.
I also wanted to start eating together as a family.
I’ve always loved cooking and it was through cooking that I found my now adopted family (you can read more about me here).