
Is this the biggest comeback in chocolate history?



Do you remember Yowies?

The chocolate creatures of the ’90s? There was Rumble, Crag, Nap, Boof, Ditty and Squish.


When it came to toy-filled chocolate of the ’90s, they were some of the most popular on Australian shelves.

And then one day they just disappeared.

The reason for their sudden departure is kind of sketchy. But from what we can gather, it was something to do with a disagreement between the Yowie creator Bryce Courtenay (yes, the author) and the owner, Cadbury.

Cadbury wanted to sell the Yowies internationally, but when they couldn’t come to an agreement with Courtenay and his co-creator Geoff Pike – Rumble, Crag, Nap, Boof, Ditty and Squis just disappeared off the shelves.

And that’s what leads us to our next piece of news.

They are coming back!

Yowies are BACK.

Sort of.

After a seven year battle, a new group called Yowie Group Ltd  have secured the rights and they are taking our favourite chocolate clan to to the US.

And, right now, they have no competition.

Yowie’s one potential rival, Kinder Surprise, have been banned in the US because of a potential choking hazard from the size of their toys.

So yes, it’s a good day for chocolate lovers in the US.

And hopefully, it’ll be a good day for chocolate lovers in the Australia soon too.

If only all of these chocolates and lollies would make a come back…


What about you? Is there a chocolate that you wish would come back in to our lives?
