I’m turning 40, and I think I’m OK.
In my day (yes, I was going to wait until I ACTUALLY turned 40 to use that expression, but it just slipped out!) kids were older when their mums turned 40.
I remember as a 14 year old, sitting sullenly in the back of our cream Mitsubishi Colt, while Mum was trying to close the garage doors in our little house in Salisbury, Brisbane. Completely out of character, she threw the old brick that used to anchor the doors shut, to the floor. My sister and I just looked at each other and shrugged. She got in the car and we mumbled in stereo “what’s wrong with you?”
“I’m turning 40 tomorrow, and I’m not happy about it”. Sis and I just shrugged again and without giving it a seconds’ thought, grunted something unintelligible, and turned back to our all-consuming Donkey Kong and Oil Panic games.
For so many years, this has been a suppressed memory. Forgotten in a haze of jelly pens, spiral perms, Russian wedding rings, Reeboks and other mid to late 80s fabulousness. Until now…
Next month, I will turn 40. A number that always seemed ancient, and so very, very distant . . . until now. I decided a few years ago that I wasn’t going to have a 40th birthday party, a decision after which my hubby threw me a surprise 39th! (I’m an attention-to-detail-kinda-gal, it’s hard to get one past me, but a party for my 39th birthday?? Clever, clever man.)
I presumed that as the big Four Oh loomed, I would want to go and scurry under a rock, or at least hide under a very fluffy doona and hibernate for as long as was humanly possible, until the need for alcohol and food (in that order) arose. But no! I am staring it in the face and embracing this number with every aching bone in my body.
Top Comments
Love this article, I'm also turning 40 next month and I don't really mind one bit. I can see I am older and ageing, but I'm okay with that. I never imagined this age and what I'd be doing when I was younger - it seemed old back then. But now it doesn't feel so old. I lost my mum to breast cancer when I was only 11 and she was 41, and I wish she was here to celebrate with me. But I have two beautiful kids a great husband and I see lots of good healthy life ahead of me. I have energy to burn and the world is my oyster. I know we don't all feel that way all of the time, but I just try to stay in touch with the child within. My kids remind me of that all the time. I've organised a themed party - I haven't had a party since I was 21! It's going to be fun and I feel like the next stage of my life is just beginning. 40 is fantastic!
Thank you lovely people. What beautiful things you have to say and what extraordinary experiences many of you have had. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Mx