Humans. They can be totally revolting on the ground and in their own homes, sure.
But put them in a confined space with lots of other humans, several thousand feet in the air? They become vile, unstoppable monsters with no regard for basic hygiene, body odour, or accurate aim with regards to the toilet bowl.
And they probably think they can get away with it.
Flight attendants have gone rogue and now there’s such a thing as “Passenger Shaming”. Photographs have appeared on Instagram of Bad Plane Behaviour. And they’re pretty hilarious.
Exhibit A. The Guy. No clothes.
Exhibit B. Perfect condom placement.
Exhibit C. Oh boy.
So, peeing in the bathroom sink. Sexing in the aisles. Getting naked and snoring. All of this behaviour happens on planes.
Is it because our fears are heightened, that high in the sky? Do we think we can get away with terrible awful thing because it’s dark and we’re among strangers? Why, oh why, do so many people think it’s cool to do weird stuff on planes?
Have you ever seen someone do something gross on a plane? Do you do anything weird on planes?
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I'm currently in KL, having travelled this week to Hong Kong, Beijing and now KL for work.
I have been extremely grossed out on each leg across the aisle there has been a man (a different one for each leg) who has unashamedly sat there picking his nose, inspecting his pickings and then wiping it on the seat/ eating it.
One also coughed the whole way and snorted his snot back up his nose, only to later retrieve it.
Ewwwwww, WTF is wrong with people ...
My greatest win was swapping seats with the mother of the seat kicking little turd behind me. It wasn't that much more pleasant because I had to listen to her yell at the shit for the next 45min but it was better than getting my back pummelled.