For those of you too busy or too obsessed with a Netflix favourite to tune into The Bachelor at the moment, DON’T SWEAT.
We’ve got you covered.
We have bundled together all of Rosie’s sizzling recaps in this nice little package so that the juicy details from the previous four episodes are only ever a click away!
Memorable moments
Dickie Bach sits by the pool to get the ultimate ‘I’m sensitive and pensive and really hoping whoever I pick likes the look of my peen’ shot.
Alex's brother asks Richie if he's ever cheated on anyone, while he's still dating three women OTHER THAN ALEX.
The girl who cries desperately and makes declarations of love is always the one who goes.
ROSIE RECAPS THE BACHELOR EPISODE 13: A bush-based fight to the death.
Memorable moments
We have now clearly reached peak Stockholm Syndrome levels at the Girl Prison.
GASP SHOCK TWIST! they’re all going camping together.
An unlovable loser is booted which means WE‘VE MADE IT THROUGH THE WEIRD PATCH.
ROSIE RECAPS THE BACHELOR EPISODE 12: In which Hamish Blake is the Intruder.
Memorable moments
Hamish Blake has decided to dress up as a toddler called Rory, who Dickie Bach and Faith must take care of for the day.
Rachael and Dickie Bach go on a single date. Ugh.
Slightly Obsessed Single Mum Alex makes a genius move.