
This WA cafe won't accept your sweaty bra money, you filthy pig.


A Western Australian cafe has said it won’t accept sweaty money from it’s customers any more and people are getting pretty hot under the collar about it.

The owner of the Fascine Coffee Lounge in Carnavon (where today it is a measly 26 degrees, pfffff) says he and his staff were sick of people paying for their coffees with money from their undergarments, so they decided to put a stop to it the only way the knew how…

With this passive aggressive sign:

You disgust me.

It was a man who fished his small change out of his jocks that pushed Robin Weeks and his team over the edge, apparently.

“A couple of people pulled out money from their undies, other people from their bras,” he said.

“We have had people that have searched for things in their pockets and just put their money back in their mouth until they’ve found it.”

Look, even I’ll admit that literally putting money where your mouth is is bloody gross, but putting it in your bra? C’mon.

Everyone does it and there is no better feeling than casting your under wire aside at the end of a hard day and finding a couple of bucks you’d forgotten about.

“I know it’s basically women, we’ve had some men that’ve put it in their jocks and pulled it out from there, [but] I know most women don’t have pockets,” he said. (Guilty.)

He then went on to suggest that Women carry purses, which sounds like a lot of trouble, if I’m honest.

I’ll just carry it in my hand if you prefer, Mr Weeks?

Rather than stopping the practice (because who even owns a purse?) people just started taking their money out of their undies before approaching the counter.

Just think of it as a fluid-y tip, yeah?
