Think very carefully before you invite me over for dinner. Because if there’s a lull in the conversation, I may say something like this: “Porn is the new sex education – doesn’t that freak you out?” It’s a rhetorical question because of course it freaks you out and if it doesn’t, you’re an ostrich.
Lately I’ve had many dinner party conversations with ostriches about porn and they’re staggeringly predictable. The women at the table are usually silent while the men are dismissive.
Me: “I worry about today’s teens. They’re exposed to so much porn before they even have sex.”
Ostrich Bloke: “Pah. Porn isn’t new. It was around when we were younger. Never did us any harm. [insert chuckle]”
Me: “But it’s on a whole other level now.”
Bloke: “Nah, boys have always watched porn. We were swapping videos in high school. It’s the same thing.”
Oh but it’s not. It’s really, really not. You see, passing around a video 25 years ago could not be more different to a teen’s experience of porn in 2012.
Here’s why:
Before porn was available online, you had to to wait until your mate snuck you a VHS. Then you had to wait until the house was empty so you could use the video player. You watched that video again and again until you had to pass it to another mate. Computers changed the game. Suddenly you had access to unlimited amounts of free porn in the privacy of your bedroom. Variety. Access. Quantity. Woot. Smartphones were an even more dramatic revolution because now porn is PORTABLE. You can watch it at the bus-stop. In bed. On the train. In traffic. You can take it into the bathroom. You can watch it at recess or even during geography if you turn off the sound and keep it hidden from your teacher’s view. And that’s what many teens are doing.
Top Comments
In my recent experience as a newly single 45 yr old women... It's seems it's not just teenagers watching too much porn and expecting same the fantasy from their sexual partners... Many of the situations listed by Mia have been requested of me in my recent liaisons.. Its evident that lots of men enjoy porn and given the opportunity they are very open to requesting the same scenarios.. I'm pretty free and open sexually, but I'm not a porn star and dont expect to be asked to perform like one... Its Baffling....
The article doesn't go into how porn defines or redefines the individual's values. How he/she will more and more, see others as mere objects of enjoyment.
The effect extends in varying degrees towards how one sees other species and inanimate objects. So how one views the world and all that is in it is altered in manner that can impair ones pursuit of happiness, not to mention the happiness of others.
And there's the impact on the economy, when families break apart due to sexual misconduct in the family. Though not always apparent, on closer scrutiny porn is a key player .