Preparing for a new baby’s arrival is an exciting, but overwhelming time. There are a lot of decisions to be made and frankly, there’s just so much that needs to be bought.
I tried really hard not to get carried away with it all when I was expecting my son, but my husband still had to drag me away from a $40 electronic snot sucker (note: I have never regretted not buying that).
Having been through it all now, I’m on the verge of passing on our beloved baby cot (sob). Looking back, these are the things I would definitely look for if we have a second child:
1. Wraps that zip.
I failed at wrapping my baby from day one. I just couldn’t master it. My tiny son would wriggle out and end up with the thing wrapped around his face, which really isn’t ideal.
The moment I switched to an all in one wrap that zipped up, life got easier. Those things aren’t cheap, but they are worth their weight in gold. I ended up with three and I couldn’t have gotten through the first six months without them.
2. Burp cloths.
And lots of them. Small babies are milky puke factories for weeks on end. If you can’t catch what comes out, at least you can have a cloth on hand to wipe it up.
Buy a stack – you’re going to need them.