My worst experience with period pain happened over a decade ago and I still remember it vividly.
I’d always suffered from a little pain and cramping but nothing like this. It woke me up. Sharp shards of pain ripping through my lower abdomen, causing me to curl up in the foetal position and beg my boyfriend for help. I didn’t have any period pain medication in the house and the paracetamol I had taken a few hours earlier had done nothing.
“I need period pain medication,” I groaned. “We need to find an open chemist.”
My boyfriend helped me to the car because I wanted to go with him so that when we found a chemist that was open, I could take the medication immediately. It was 6:20AM(I had been writhing around since around 2:00AM) and we thought our best chance was to head to the chemist next to the nearest hospital. Their website said they’d open at 7:30AM. Maybe someone would arrive earlier.
The pain was incredible. If I had been feeling the pain in any other part of my body for any other reason, I would have called an ambulance or headed to the nearest emergency room. As it was period pain, I allowed myself to continue suffering because I learned very early on that period pain was funny at best, inconvenient at worst and nothing to fuss about.
Women’s problems… that time of the month… period pain… shhhhhh…
The medical term used for period pain is dysmenorrhoea and according to Women’s Health Concern, 80 percent of women suffer from it at some stage in their lives. Cramps are just one of the ways in which women on their period suffer. There’s also all-over bloating, tender breasts, swollen stomach, mood swings, trouble concentrating and fatigue.
Top Comments
I agree with a lot of those experiences - having to be picked up from school in tears, lying down on the footpath (multiple times), passing out, missing an exam (when I went to get a doctor's certificate for the exam, the male doctor diagnosed me with gastro. HA!)
My mum refused to put me on the pill because of the stigma surrounding it (we are Christians). I took myself to the doctor and was prescribed YAZ at 19, when I was earning enough money to buy it myself. Haven't had a problem since.
A year later my younger sister was put on the pill, but my mum pays for hers!! Gah.
I"ve had my period since I was 10. So for a couple of days (usually 2-3) each month for 26 years (minus the months I was pregnant with my daughter) I have endured severe cramps, headache and boobs so sore I can't lay on my side and let them touch the mattress or let the sheet/doona touch them. Sometimes I vomit from the pain. Often I have a migraine at the same time. I can't take the pill due to my migraines and the increased associated risk of stroke. I use implanon but it has done little to ease the period pain. The old wives tale that having a baby solves the problem is just that, an old wives tale. I also suffer from ruptured ovarian cysts. Equally as fun! I"ve been to the ED a couple of times due to the pain and morphine helps but the incredulous disbelieving looks on the docs faces is now enough to just suffer in silence. Bed and taking too many over the counter pain relievers along with hot water bottles and carefully applied deep heat is how I get through. Along with a very caring, loving husband.