My 5-year-old son was choosing his clothes for school one day, when he came upon a skirt. He was so excited, “Look Mum, here’s my special skirt” he said.
His sister has recently turned 2 and received a plethora of cute dresses of differing colours, styles and materials. She had paraded them to the party goers with the expertise of a runway model at fashion week.
She had declared the garish bedazzled patchwork dress of orange, pink and purple to be her favourite and told me I could give the cute little black dress with red cherries back to the shop it came from. (“The cherries are red, Mum. Not pink!”)
When tucking my son in the night after his sister’s party, he earnestly asked why she always got so many special clothes, while his clothes were always so boring? Why couldn’t he have beautiful clothes? Then, the next time we went shopping he started looking at the girl’s clothing and declared he wanted a beautiful dress or skirt.
So that Christmas, on my lunch break, I made a visit to the David Jones kid’s department in search of something super special just for him. I bought my son a high end girl’s skirt from a fancy Melbourne kid’s designer – somewhere I would never usually shop.
Top Comments
I would have let my son wear a pretty skirt cause when I was in grade 3 I wanted to wear the pleated netball skirt to school cause it was the uniform for the girls. It looked more comfortable then the pants and to this day I wear skirts and dresses as much as I can. Even though my wife and children hate it I still do it because its my right as a human to do as I please and I know there are times that I can't and I don't but then there are times when I can so I do and I feel better when I do and yes I am soon 36 but boys should be wearing skirts and dresses as much as they can and not be told that its wrong and that you shoulden't. Clothing does not make the sex you are so all clothing should be unisex and then there would not be any issue and that is the best way that I can think of to take the issue away does anyone agree with me?
You know that skirts were men's attire. and a dress is a shirt attached to a skirt which is mens clothing so. I don't see why men can't and shouldn't wear skirts and dress's every day. Does anyone agree with me
Sorry but this is such a non-issue. All you "pro-skirt for boys" people are setting your kids up for a world of pain. Yes it's unfair that society places these rules on gender etc etc but THAT'S LIFE. If YOU want to change society's view, go ahead and wear a skirt (not a kilt) to work if your man but don't use your kids to "reeducate" the world! I know this may be tough for some of you, but you may have to actually say no to your child- I know, that may mean tears and cries of "that's not fair mummy!" but trust me they will survive. If your greatest fear for your child is that they will be "genderised" (what does that even mean?! That they're clearly identified as a boy or girl? Oh no!!! I'll make sure to tell my friends that they have a beautiful "humanoid in it's early stage of development"). C'mon all, this is a1st world problem so get a grip.
Society is not a stone. It changes. We change it to suit our needs and reflect our understandings. At least those of us who are not run by the fear of "oh shit what will neighbors say". And guess what? We are more successful, on average, since our mindset is constantly evolving and reflecting upon itself.
So I guess it's other way around, learning your kids that the world is black and white, and that society is unchangeable is setting them up for the world of insecurity, cognitive dissonance, grudge and bitterness that the world is not as their stupid parents told them it was. Maybe alcohol and drug abuse as well. Bad Karma.
And the "pro-trousers for girls/womens" in the 1970's and the earlier women who moved from skirts to trousers was not setting up children for a world of pain as it was initially for these women? Equality and no gender bias applies to all, until there is no equality or gender bias. If society places gender rules and THAT'S LIFE then it applies to both genders.
Always the conformist has a "reason" why social change is wrong. "The wearing of trousers by women of hitherto unimpeached sanity would be an intolerable shock to the public nerves," New York Times, October 31, 1881, page 6. "Happy is he who causes scandal"---Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter. It would however be advisable, if possible, to "hire" a more powerful boy to keep bullies from harassing a boy in a skirt.