Every week seems to bring another sad story about mathematics in Australia and especially women in mathematics. Falling rates of final years students doing maths, lower enrolments in physics at university and the truly bizarre and galling tampon ad that suggested the latest Libra product “absorbs more than you ever did in maths class” all paint a bleak picture.
Well I’m proud to say I’m bringing up two girls, the elder of whom love maths and the younger of which seems well on the way.
Good on you geek-boy I hear you scream. You’ve got an unfair head start…Of course your girls will be mini Einsteins. What about the non-nerds amongst us?
But I genuinely believe that any parent can raise a boy or girl who loves numbers. Like having a child who plays piano, draws beautifully or can shoot a netball like Cath Cox its all about them working at it and enjoying putting in that work.
And you can’t start too soon. Right from the earliest age get your kids working on the very basics of numeracy. Simple arithmetic skills are crucial.
Kids who can answer correctly right from the start develop real confidence and when the concepts get a little bit harder they can really concentrate on the more challenging ideas and not be worried that they will do everything ok but stuff up the last bit because they suck at times tables.
Top Comments
We always had the competition with our two boys to calculate the bill at the end of a restaurant meal. Our youngest was always super quick and accurate, (mainly because he is so competitive with his older brother.) So, I was very surprised at a year four parent teacher night to get the feedback 'never mind - he cant do maths, but not everyone can be good at it'. Looking deeper, it turned out he was being asked to add oranges to apples, and he basically didnt care too much about fruit!!! I suggested he put imaginary dollar signs in front of the numbers, and voile! Child genius! Did accelerated, advanced maths for the HSC and now doing business majoring in accounting at a top uni. Of course, we still tease him about being hopeless at maths... Like so many things in life, it is all about the presentation ;)
i really have to comment here, arithmetic is not maths as such. Maths involves algebra , geometry complex equations etc . Being good at arithmetic does not naturally evolve into being good at maths
I love maths. Always have and even though I originally became a dancer (only need to count to eight for that job) I have since become a teacher and I have spent many delightful evening with an engineer fire of mine reviewing algebra, geometry and trigonometry the bonus as an adult you can do it with a glass of wine. There is a lot to be said for taking maths to the world. It is absolutely and essential part of life. Also this is my favourite thing