Cast your mind back to life before kids.
Did you ever roll your eyes when your boss left at 5pm to pick up her kids and you knew you’d be working til 7pm?
Had you ever done an hour’s work already by the time The Mums arrived at the office?
Did you ever feel like your time – to exercise, to be with friends, to make a decent dinner for your partner – was not seen as as important as your co-worker’s, who just HAD to leave the office at 2.15pm for kindy pick-up?
If you ever felt like that, I have two little words for you: me too.
I was that person. I worked long, long hours for many years, and I viewed The Working Mums as part-timers who weren’t serious about their careers. I had Working Mum bosses who left the office way before me, and Working Mum colleagues who arrived way after.
Sometimes I felt resentful. But mostly, I just thought they were lightweights. Let them pootle about in their non-committed way, distracted by grocery lists and calls from day care and taking their kids to doctor’s appointments. Let them do that, I thought. The grown-ups will stay here and work, and get the job done.
What a narrow-minded little fool I was.
Because life happened. And now I have children. Two hilarious, squeezable children who only really want one thing from me. My time. Maybe one other: my attention.
Co-incidentally, I have a job which demands exactly the same things of me; time and attention. But my job also requires a few others, like punctuality. Reasonable thought. Ideas. Some words.
Top Comments
Im a full time working mum of two... I believe that I'm very efficient but can hardly cope! I often get comments from friends like "you are amazing" or " I don't know how you do it". But the truth is that from the minute I get up in the morning until around 10pm (most nights) I'm running around like a crazy person trying to catch minutes in the day... I stumbled upon this article because I typed into google "I'm an exhausted working mum" (Ironic- yes! I was supposed to start on a report that is due by the end of the week between putting the kids in the bath and brushing teeth...) I used to judge those working mums who seemed to use their kids as an excuse to slack off, leave early and so on... I also judged mums who worked at all, as they clearly didn't put their children first (This was while I was staying at home raising course) After a few years of having a very clean house, laundry always done and dinner prepared on time (gosh I even made playdough every week and painted with my kids each day) I realised all I wanted was to find 'me' again! So I chose to return to work. I LOVE my job, I LOVE that at work I am me but this article is spot on because above everything in my life now I LOVE my kids and I LOVE my husband... they come first every time! So yes- the old me is gone, the new working me is doing a good job of juggling everything (even though she will never be quite as on top of work things as the old me) and most importantly we are still wearing clean clothes (although it is collected each morning from a huge pile of unfolded washing on the spare bed instead of cupboard drawers) and we have dinner each night (even if it is eggs on toast now and again) but at the end of the day you just can't really have it all! And at the end of the day you shouldn't be so hard on yourself either... I've learnt :)
All women and mums are amazing... and dads too because we try our hardest to do it all and do it all well!
if we continue to have these discussions like its a women-only issue, it will continue to be a women's issue. WTF do we talk about 'working mums'?? I work fulltime (well, 5 days in 4 to be precise), as does my husband, and no-one ever refers to him as a 'working dad' or congratulates him on balancing his life or being a 'superdad', which happens to me almost weekly. Like people are gobsmacked I can manage working in a pretty full on environment AND have three children. I'm lucky - i get paid well, have a reasonable amount of flexibility and an au pair. bless school holidays when i'm reclining with an unusual bit of internet surfing!
and for all those suggesting its just a matter of efficiency if you cant leave before 5?!!! Ha! I dont think you work in professional services. Bar admin staff, there are very few people out of our office before 6.30pm, lots at 7pm, plenty at 9pm and regularly people all night. Fact of a corporate, client facing, high stakes environment. I'm not saying its a good thing - but its certainly not an efficiency thing.