French Women don’t get fat. French Women don’t get facelifts. And now, French women don’t give their babies stupid names.
In what is possibly the most stylish and sensible news of the day, a French court has refused a couple who wanted to name their child Nutella.
The parents presumably wanted to hold the baby close and whisper: ‘I love you, Nutella” – a sentiment we fully understand. But as the judge pointed out, the child will be teased for having a seriously stupid name. And so it was deemed “contrary to the child’s interest” to be called after this delicious hazelnut spread.
The 29 baby names everyone will judge you for choosing.
But I have some questions that the judge failed to ask:
Did the parents really think long and hard about the name?
What if Nutella was a bullying little shit?
Then the world would know phrases like “I HATE Nutella”. “I NEVER want to see NUTELLA again”. Or the worst, “Nutella called me fat.”
No one wants to think about Nutella on the potty, Nutella in the bath, Nutella needing it’s arse wiped, Nutella picking it’s nose and wiping it on the couch. Nutella belongs in the cool dark of our pantries, or in a spoon, travelling towards our open mouths. End. Of. Story.
Another French couple were refused permission to call their child “Strawberry”.
The couple had said they wanted to give their daughter “an original name not in use”.
We feel you. That’s how the names ‘Braig’ (a cross between Brian and Craig) and ‘Haley-Bacardi’ (a cross between a sort-of-girls-name and a rum-based drink) were born.
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I met a Rapunzel once. She was a glamorous woman in her forties and I was so shocked that I just stammered hello at her. Several times.
Abcde, our OT nannied in uni for Abcde and her brother Nick. Talk about opposites! And apparently one parent was a professor and the other a uni lecturer. True story!