You can watch the segment here….
Oh it was action-packed morning which actually felt more like lunchtime since I'd been up since 4:30am. Why do my children have a radar that tells them when I have to be up at 5:45am and inspire them to get all competitive with my alarm clock? Thank you Remy. Let's blame your cold.
The topics were great this morning and Karl and I got stuck into a wide range of topcs. Feel free to comment on any of them here.
As for Richard Pratt's very interesting personal life – and now sad
death – I don't really have a position except to find the whole thing
fascinating. I'm going to post seperately later today about Sydney vs
Melbourne fashion so hold your fire on that one…..
One subject I'm keen to discuss here is refugees. I didn't post about this last week because I was away but I feel very passionately about refugees and our duty of care to people who have NOTHING and who are DESPERATE for a life in our country.
As conservative commentator PJ O'Rourke said on ABCTV's Q&A last week: "When people are getting on exploding boats to come to your country: LET THEM IN. You're missing out on some very valuable and committed future citizens if you turn them away."
And also? They're REFUGEES. They have nothing. Some are lucky to arrive alive. Let's help them. There's a thought.
Top Comments
Beautiful comment Nat - hope you're feeling better. Swearing justified.
I wish I had the chance to contribute more to this topic Mia, but have been really il for a number of days. So in my post valium haze, let me just add this...
My husband is a refugee and came to Australia as a 15 year old knowing not a word of English, scared shitless and coming from a homeland that where people were being shot at in the night. He was lucky enough to make a queue, but even if there hadn't been one, you can be sure my in-laws would have done anything to get them out of there.
He has 2 degrees and earns pretty much double my salary. I am so fucking proud of him I could cry. He has contributed more to this country than so many who were born here ever can and wil do. Why? Because as a migrant, often, coming from nothing does something to you, gives you a real sense of drive and a real burbing desire to succeed.
When he arrived, not knowing anyone of any language of use (!) the best place he could move to was out ion the south Western suburbs where other people from his homeland had settled. Some call this an 'enclave'. I call this a way of surviving what is a tough gig all round. The only way to feel at home in a big lonely country where ordering a hamburger in McDonalds can be scary, is to live around other people like yourself.
All you naysayers to migration, get a reality check people. Australians have SUCH an easy life and are often so ignorant to this often awful world we live in. Wake the fuck up.
Rant over. Excuse the swearing Mia, but it's a real bug bear oif mine.