One in three people avoid going to dentist because of the cost, and one in five people who do go to the dentist can’t afford it – according to a survey of more than 6000 people. Of the people that went to the dentist, 56% went for a check-up and 44% went because of a problem. Dr Jane Harford from the Institute of Health and Welfare’s Dental Statistics and Research Unit said “the concern about all of this of course is that when people do visit the dentist for a problem, they’re much more likely to have a tooth extracted than if they visit for a check-up.” The survey also found low income earners were the least likely to visit the dentist.
Meanwhile, the Greens have launched a Denticare campaign, including billboards and television commercials. They says investment in a Medicare-style system for dental care was one of the main conditions on which the party pledged its support for Labor. Speaking in response to Treasurer Wayne Swan’s announcement that the government would be making substantial cuts to return the budget to surplus, Senator Richard Di Natale said investment in dental care should not be scrapped.
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Do you go to the dentist? Would you support a Denticare plan?
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Top Comments
I haven't been to the dentist in 15 years. And the only reason is the cost. I am lucky to have $20-30 left at the end of pay day after paying rent/bills/food. And that left over cash goes on bread and milk for the rest of the week. How the hell am I supposed to afford a dentist. I have at least 2 wisdom teeth that need removing and my teeth could really use a proper check up and clean.There is a free system in my town, the waiting list is about 5years. Thank goodness my boys get free dental care at the school cause I would never be able to afford to take them.
I know lots of people in the same situation. I really think it is time that there was a dental care plan like medicare that will bulk bill/refund.
Denist scare me BOTH cost and pain, it's like paying off a small car!! And I know when I do go they are obsessed ( yes its their job) with you flossing and not drink or eating ANYTHING with sugar! sooo much judgement!!! Gosh I haven't been in 2 years maybe 3 I know I need to go but like a child I put it off! Bad so bad!
I'm doing a research paper right now because I'm in Dental Hygiene school in the USA and in my state we can give the injections and everything as the Hygienist. We inject each other all the time (multiple times a week) and I find it interesting, there are ways to make injects not painful at all! I sit still through them all now and might as well take a nap. If you ever get the cost portion solved, I'd search for someone who know how to give comfortable dental experiences. Dental professionals shouldn't make you feel bad either, that's ridiculous. Find a place that makes you comfortable. Also I don't know what options are in Australia but ask for the cheaper options, like silver fillings (which actually last longer and have so many benefits... I won't go into it though) It's been proven oral health is linked to your overall health. So if you can get if every couple years at least do so!