When the person who’s meant to love you most in the world, doesn’t.
I never felt free to express joy — or fall apart. I spent all of those years on edge, afraid of what might happen next.
I spent 17 years in an abusive relationship. Not only do I the physical scars to prove it, I carefully tote a heavy heap of emotional scars. Humiliation, fear, and shame were poured into my heart for years, by a person that claimed to love me — my mother.
I always believed things would get better. I fantasised that I would one day be taken into my abuser’s loving arms and everything would change. I strived to become the best person possible, so the humiliation and rejection would stop.
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Are we saying that mothers, therefore women can be brutes, and vile thugs? Perish the thought, women good, men bad. That's what the feminist have taught us!
Yes, I was one of 6 children (the first girl) and for some reason my mother HATED me, never hid her contempt of my existence, openly displayed it to family and friends, on rare occasions I actually mistakenly thought she might be showing me affection because she did really underneath love me, but it was always only short lived and for show, I was beaten up by my mother the last time I remember I was 8years old and I had defended a little girl from my best friend, the mother came to visit because the only name the child knew was mine and afterwards my mother beat me in the corner of the kitchen until my big brother walked in and caught her in the act, she pierced my ears so I wouldn't tell my dad but that only reminded me everyday when I look in the mirror and made me wish her beating had killed me instead, in my mind to have died would have been a release.
Sadly when I was about 2years old I was concussed and placed in traction in hospital, I don't know the extent of my injuries but I have got damage all down the right side of my body. I have had fractures (known as greenstick injuries) which happened before I was 2years old, having an impact on my emotional state through being discovered after xrays had been done on my body now, (at some stage my upper right arm was badly fractured and never medically treated). It's the infant (blocking out painful memories) protection mechanism which has kept me going, but it also torments me not knowing how my discovered injuries had occurred in the first place and why no one protected me.
I tried mediation with my family, (starting with my dad) after my mother decided to disown me and write me off to my family for the third time, because I wouldn't bow down to her and give in to her emotional manipulation and blackmail, I have had no contact with any of them since my dad told the mediator in a letter and phone conversation...It was not anything to do with me, but a problem my mother had put onto me because of an issue and problem she had well before I was even conceived or born.
So from the time of my birth I was regularly criticized, ridiculed, put down, dismissed as a burden, used as my mothers slave, scapegoat and person to blame when things didn't go how she wanted, told NO ONE would put up with me or want me, I would never get married, I was ugly, had a big butt, would never have children and NO ONE would ever love me.
None of my relationships have worked, I seemed to go into relationships/ marriages with abusive men (very much the same or similar personalities to my mother), who believe they owned me, dictated my life or used emotional manipulation on me and I have had abuse counselling, psychological assessments and it all indicates I am a Victim of abuse, which occurred from a very early age and I always felt by existing I deserved it. (the therapists, professionals have all stated my mother is very controlling and the one who should get treatment and be diagnosed).
It's sad, I always see the 'good' in everyone and would never lay a hand on anyone else or cause pain to another living soul, I know how it feels and could think of nothing worse than inflicting that sort of pain on someone, but to this end my mother has once again won and I have nothing at all to do with ANY of my family. I was accused of doing to my beautiful children the very same things my mother had done to me and their abusive father's assisted by my mother took me to court and took them from my life on the pretence, I was guilty of the behaviour of my own mother.