Ghosting is officially a thing. Charlize has just pulled a ghost on Sean, Greece has pulled a Ghost on most of the world’s banks, and my landlord who was meant to come and fix my kitchen window today has sure as hell pulled a Ghost on me.
It’s the buzzword flying around the world of relationships: new word, age old concept.
Ghosting, you see, is the process of being ditched – be it from work, a relationship, or a social circle – without explanation or communication. You are simply shafted, sent on a one-way train to social Siberia without as much as a wave goodbye.
If you’re anything like me, you are probably thinking, “Naw, that kind of social ineptitude doesn’t really happen!” – right? Wrong. Scratch the surface and our modern world is becoming a haunted house of gutless ghosts.
Top Comments
No way. I was ghosted after a 9-month relationship.. a completely disrespectful way of ending a relationship
unless there is physical danger then no one should just disappear, and take the easy way out...its insulting to the other person and shows the lack of integrity in the person acting that way...who wants someone in their life that they don't know if they are going to stick around...sounds like those who have been ghosted,are the lucky ones to find out the truth and character of the offending party. It certainly shows what little regard and respect the person has for the victim