
Prediction: The 9 foods you'll be completely obsessed with in 2015.


I recently read an article ‘Nine foods that you are going to be obsessed with in 2015‘.

“Oh goody,” I thought to myself. As an avid foodie and self-proclaimed chef extraordinaire, I felt for sure I would see some of my new favourite foods make their way on to the list.

Boy was I wrong.

And not only was I wrong, I found myself staring at the list, gobsmacked. Because never did anyone in the history of the world, ever, find themselves looking at a cockroach and thinking “yum, I’d really like to eat me a piece of that right now”.

What. Even. Is. That.

Needless to say, I was finding it difficult to conceptualise myself as an avid eater of savoury froyo (carrot cone anoybody?). Or of any bug-based products – apparently insect-laden protein bars are a thing now. Or, perhaps worst of all, food that has been artificially coloured black.

What. Even. Is. That.

So, in defence of all things good and edible in the world, I’ve come up with my own list of nine foods that you may (or may not) be obsessed with in 2015 but that you will definitely enjoy eating. Bon Appetit!

1. Desserts matched with wines

Fancy a peach Bellini with your red velvet cupcake?

Ever since I found a place in New York that did cupcakes and matching wines, I’ve been absolutely in love with this idea.

It seems a given that restaurants match wine to their menus, so why don’t patisseries and bakeries follow suit?

2. Cauliflower

Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you how much I love cauliflower. They’ll say I love it too much. But I will continue to defend myself because this is a vegetable that is seriously underrated.


I recently went so far as to purchase a giant cauli and drive it all the way to my parent’s place (90 minutes down the road) strapped into the front passenger seat so it wouldn’t get hurt. If you think I’m joking, I’m not.

One trend I think will have it’s day in 2015 will be cauliflower pizza bases – they’re a delicious and healthy alternative to regular old pizza dough. And so easy to make.

3. Purees

I am addicted to using my blender. There, I said it. I just can’t get enough of the puree setting. I used it all through winter (much to my partner’s detestation) to make hearty, vegetable-filled soups. And I’m planning to use it all through summer to make pureed frozen fruit slushies.

4. Desserts that look like works of art

Two words: Zumbo love.

I love looking at these desserts almost as much as I love destroying them. Almost.

You know the ones I’m talking about – they look like they took hours upon hours of fiddly, finicky craftsmanship only to have been demolished by you in under five seconds.

5. Burgers

Now that’s a burger.

This is one versatile food that is so very in vogue at the moment. It seems as if burger joints are popping up all over the place.

Particular burger trends to watch will be the reinvention of the vege-burger (especially with the rise of whole grains), burgers with designer buns and your good ol’ regular burger with a pickle – because who doesn’t love a pickle?

6. Beer

One mention of burgers and beer is also what comes to mind. Craft beers, with it’s endless possibilities, offers the perfect pairing to that scrumptious burger.


As someone who has only just discovered beer (embarrassingly) recently, I’m not ashamed to admit it’s something I hope to enjoy a lot more of in the coming year.

7. Nuts

These fellas are so versatile and energy rich that I try and sneak them into everything – cereal, stir-fry, desserts, cake, smoothies, the list goes on. I’ve even taking to making my own almond milk – it’s easy breezy and so yummy.

8. Fairtrade Coffee

Coffee is an obvious choice, I know. But this caffeine-laden drink of the gods is the one thing I am constantly obsessed with (and probably because I depend on it way too much).

And I’m not talking about a double shot skinny decaf mocha with four teaspoons of sugar. Because, THAT IS NOT COFFEE. I am talking about a simple cup of the good stuff. Which is exactly how it should be.

And I’m talking about Fairtrade because coffee is one of the most valuable primary products in the world but continues to yield little return for the farmers who invest so much time and energy into growing it.

9. Salted caramel

This one has really taken off in 2014 and is still gaining momentum as people come up with new and innovative ways to add it to food. First there was salted caramel popcorn. Then salted caramel ice cream. So I think it’s only a matter of time ’til we see salted caramel chicken or salted caramel carrots.


Yum, salted caramel popcorn cupcakes…

How about you? What foods do you think will be big in 2015?
