
Woman messes with ex-boyfriend by messaging lyrics from Adele's new song.

“Hello from the other side.”

Everybody knows that Adele’s songs are perfect if you’re going through a break-up. She just gets you.

So much so, it feels like you could use her words when talking to your own ex.

Mary Caldarella recently decided to test this theory when she literally copied and pasted Adele’s lyrics in new song ‘Hello‘ to her ex-boyfriend Matt.

It was all going well, until he reminded her that she’d previously told him to go f***k himself.

Source: Twitter/maryc_021

But she didn’t stop there.

Source: Twitter/maryc_021

In case you missed it, here is Adele’s song ‘Hello’ in its beautiful, completely relatable entirety:

Video via AdeleVEVO