There are two schools of thought when it comes to the consumption of Easter eggs: those who scarf them all down within hours of receiving them, and those who virtuously space them out over days, weeks, even months.
Naturally, there are pros and cons of each approach.
There’s a certain joy in throwing self-control to the wind and inhaling handfuls of chocolate. Meanwhile, the hoarders among us seem to revel in whipping out their stowaway eggs weeks after Easter’s finished and slowly, mercilessly devouring them in front of us greedier folk.
One-upmanship aside, how do these chocolate-scoffing philosophies stack up in terms of health? Is it better to get the sugar high out of the way in one fell swoop or in small doses?
That really depends on how you look at it. “From a kilojoule perspective, you’re going to end up with the same number of kilojoules, so it doesn’t really matter,” says Melbourne-based dietitian Melanie McGrice.
“But if you’re having dark chocolate, from an antioxidant perspective it’s better to have a little bit each day.”
Food for thought there. Yet, accredited practising dietitian and nutritionist Sanchia Parker argues that it’s better to avoid smashing your choccie stash in one go because of the immediate effect this can have on the body — for instance, the spike in your blood’s glucose levels and the subsequent energy hit.
“As the glucose gets absorbed quickly our energy levels crash, making us tired and sluggish. What do we reach for when we are tired and sluggish?… Generally, we reach for unhealthier options to pep us back up again,” Parker explains. So, another Creme Egg, probably.