Bingo Wings: The loose musculature and skin on the back of the upper arms, especially apparent in older women raising their arms for some reason, such as to shout “bingo!” – Urban Dictionary
Whether you call them ‘bingo wings’, ‘bat wings’ or even ‘tuckshop arms’, they all mean the same thing: unattractive arm jiggle.
Perhaps you first noticed your ‘wings’ when summer rolled around and you didn’t look quite as fetching as you thought in that sleeveless dress. Or maybe it was when you went outside against a stiff wind and literally felt your skin flapping in the breeze. Or – as a friend of mine explained the other day – it was when she looked at her arms on the bed when she was reading and they looked like they had dissolved into a pool of flesh.
Whatever it was that alerted you to your newly grown ‘wings’, there’s a good chance you want to get rid of them in a way that doesn’t include the words ‘personal trainer’ or ‘gym’.
Having excess skin or flab on the upper arm isn't generally dangerous, although carrying excess weight of any kind isn't healthy.
Some people are under the impression the only way to get rid of them is to have surgery - which is simply untrue. In fact, this muscle, in most cases, responds fairly quickly to resistance exercise. You can have your arms back in tip-top condition and jiggle-free if you persist with these easy exercises. You don't need equipment, and you can do them at home.
It is recommend, before you begin that you warm up for at least 6 minutes and cool down with a 5-minute stretch.
Firstly, place your hands down with your palms flat, fingers facing forward and underneath your shoulders. Your legs should be straight with your knees off the floor. Basically, your body should form a rigid plank from head to toe.
Slowly lower yourself by bending your elbows out to the sides until your chest is about two inches above the floor. Hold for the count of two, push back up and repeat 10 to 15 times. (For an easier version, do the press-up with your knees on the floor.)