I had a revealing conversation with a single parent of a 12-year-old girl the other day. His daughter had been feeling particularly moody, he said, as she was just about to menstruate. I asked if she had had this premenstrual phase of her cycle explained to her. “Yes, she knows all about her periods” was his response.
Yet I suspected after talking with him further that, as it is for many young girls who are given “the talk”, this conversation was reduced to an explanation of how to care for herself physically during her period. In its most simplistic form, it is often a chat about pads versus tampons, and tends to come with the dire warning that if they are not “careful” they could now fall pregnant.
The fact is, once our girls menstruate, we don’t tend to be very helpful in advising them beyond sanitation, abstinence and, if we are particularly switched on, contraception options. Rarely do we discuss how to deal with the fact that for many girls and women emotions may be heightened during the premenstrual phase and behaviour altered.
And even if we do allude to premenstrual tension (PMT), it tends to be in terms that promote and reinforce the archetypal “crazy lady” myth, which would have us reduce everything a woman expresses during this time to hysterical ramblings. It is particularly apt that women are often referred to as being “hysterical” during this stage in their cycle, as the term derives from the Greek word meaning “womb” (hence the term “hysterectomy”). Historically, society would have us believe some deep flaw within our wombs is literally making us insane!
Top Comments
haha, I get so clumsy, covered in bruises and bumps. I also cry and cry and cry, especially at baby ads! And lucky me, as well as this, my periods are sooooo heavy, full of clots, I get migraines and I pretty much hate everyone except my cat. Oh, I teach kindy, so it's a real knack to keep all this under control until home time lololol
My PMS is inconsistent, it doesn't come every month but when it does I am a psycho bitch. Totally irrational, unpleasant to be around, oversensitive, insecure and argumentative.
It took me nearly 15 years of menstruating to work out that it was PMT though... it was my current (and then quite new) boyfriend that pointed it out. I lost the plot at him for dare suggesting it but after a few more months realised there was a pattern.
Not skipping periods (I am on the pill), being aware of it and looking after myself a bit better at that time (not being hard on myself for skipping the gym, not drinking too much etc) definitely helps a lot and I now rarely suffer from it at all.
Unfortunately though, because my boyfriend was right that ONE TIME IN HIS LIFE he now thinks he knows freaken everything and whenever I express anything less than cheerful, serene, patient, calmness he asks if it's "that time of the month" which, unsurprisingly, does not help to cheer me up.