Tummy aches, sensitive stomach, picky eater… I try to gloss over the specifics of my illness because, to be frank, it’s not pretty to talk about your bowel movements, especially as a single, educated, professional 25-year-old woman.
For me, the whole saga began with a nasty bout of gastro (thanks to the lethal combination of working with children in a hospital!). I recovered well from that but about a month later, experienced my first episode of “chronic bowel dysfunction”. I survived that night and woke up the next day feeling completely normal.
Unfortunately for me, these embarrassing episodes of diarrhea, cramping and painful gas started to come on more frequently. When it became apparent that they weren’t going to go away and were, in fact, becoming more frequent, I freaked out. It became all that I thought of from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep. I recorded everything that went in to my body as well as everything that came out of it trying to find a pattern, trigger or just something!!!
The Bristol Stool Scale became my most used app (how many 25 year old women have this on their phone?). I was terrified to go out in case I got sick. Getting through a week at work was exhausting, physically and emotionally. I cried. A lot. The more stressed that I got about it, the more frequently I seemed to be getting ill. I only shared what I was going through with one person – my mum. Mums are a special kind of people that you can share even the grossest things with, even when you are 25 years old.
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My wife contracted IBS after a gastro bout in Mexico and has, after several years, still not found a cure however researching a blog for bowel cancer sufferers we noted that some were getting relief by taking one Lomotil and one Gastrostop every day, which she now does. She now gets attacks much less frequently. As with some bowel cancer patients, neither worked alone but (at least in my wife's case), the combination seems to work well. Worth a try?
on my 3rd day of not eating as i'm afraid to put food in when it comes out soo quickly, suffering with pain and so tired... how do I keep functioning? had things under control I thought then bam it confuses me again! I need HELP