I witnessed an interesting scene at the supermarket last week. A mother with a toddler in tow cleaned a shopping trolley handle with (what looked like) antibacterial wipes from her handbag before allowing her daughter to sit in the child seat. Was she being a good mother concerned with hygiene or a complete germophobe? The fact is the scene made me beg the question – is there such a phenomenon as being ‘too clean’? And are we as a society actually doing ourselves harm by fanatically striving for a ‘germ-free’ environment?
It was as recently as the mid-19th century that the practice of hand washing and sanitisation was first thought to reduce the mortality associated with infections. Dr Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian obstetrician proposed this theory in 1847 after noting that the mortality rate associated with childbirth fever dropped from 10-35% to less than 1% if doctors were made to wash their hands in chlorinated lime solution before examining patients. Unfortunately, this suggestion was considered extremely radical by the scientific community of the time and Semmelweis’ work was laughingly rejected. It took Louis Pasteur and his ‘germ theory of disease’ almost twenty years later for Semmelweis’ hypothesis to gain widespread acceptance. Nowadays, it seems ludicrous to think otherwise as antiseptic procedures have become so indoctrinated into everyday life.
The question I ask though, is have we taken this principle too far? For example, I am amazed at the range of ‘antiseptic’ products that have hit the markets in the space of a few years. In 2006 when I was planning to backpack around India, I struggled to find antiseptic hand wash in my local supermarket. These days it seems that a bottle of hand sanitiser is carried in most handbags with the same importance as an iphone or lip-gloss.
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the amount of self righteous people who have mentioned about this and that and how they make sure their world is clean is sounding like a comp as to who is the better and cleanest mother/parent.
I have a legit germaphobe friend - constant hand sanitising, won't touch public amenities. She gets sick more often than anyone I know.