I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed each of my children. It wasn’t always smooth sailing by any means, but in the end it happened to work out for us. Now before everyone starts with the mummy shaming and bottle vs breast argument, you’re reading the wrong post. The simple answer is that I don’t care. I mean, I care of course, but I don’t care how you fed your own baby. As long as they are fed and happy it’s got nothing to do with me. I’m not here to shame, I’m not here to be high and mighty I’m just here with my own experience.
Now that’s out of the way we can move on to the funny side of breastfeeding. You see, while breastfeeding a baby gives you some incredible moments of bonding, it can also be a downright pain in the arse. Especially with the way our society is about the whole *shock* boobs thing.
Here are five times when breastfeeding was inconvenient (but I did it anyway).
The time when a stranger caught me half naked in a pair of Spanx outside his holiday accommodation.
Yep, that happened. I was at a wedding with my six-week-old. I didn’t really plan my outfit all that well, I just grabbed something that didn’t make me look like a bloated hippo. It happened to be a silk dress with no breastfeeding access whatsoever. Mummy fail.
Cue baby needing to be fed and me finding the only private area - which happened to be around the back of what I thought was an unused hall, which actually turned out to be the onsite accommodation. There I was, dress on the floor, sitting so elegantly in a pair of knee-to-boob nude Spanx and a strapless bra yanked down to feed my baby. It was dark and I was kinda creeped out (because the wedding was in an old haunted quarantine station), then the door I was sitting next to swung open and a gentleman well into his 60's copped an eyeful of all that was on offer.
Top Comments
HAHAHAHA, love this article.
It's so true!
I accidentally squirted my husband when he did almost the same thing with my baby hahah. It was hilarious.
And the times I couldn't drink and had to be designated driver. Urgh. Those times were hard. I'm such a social woman and that's hard! Being pregnant again and unable to drink sucks, but it's aight.
I'm enjoying this pregnancy much butter AND I'm 110% looking forward to breastfeeding again. I can't wait. Now that I know what the go is hahaha
Just hoping the baby will like it too! X
The idea of being responsible for another humans food is very suffocating! Especially if you exclusively breastfeed for ages and don't express. I know women who also carry their babies around in slings all day and don't leave them at all because they breastfeed them every feed and won't express.
Massive invasion of my personal space I couldn't handle that! Good on them though.