Dear Mark Zuckerberg,
We are writing to you regarding your little known social networking site which goes by the name of ‘Facebook‘.
At this stage, you have 1.49 billion monthly active users, your site generates $1.4 million in revenue every hour, and there are more US citizens with a Facebook account than voted in the last election.
So, if there’s one thing a guy like you needs, it’s unsolicited advice about how you should run your business.
In The Social Network, a wise man (Justin Timberlake, it was Justin Timberlake) said: “We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we’re going to live on the internet.”
Well Mr. Zuckerberg, if we’re going to live on the internet, and more specifically on Facebook, then we have a few gripes about our living conditions. As our landlord, we’d like you to address some of our concerns, which include series-ruining spoilers, unflattering tagging, and the free reign our mum has to share and post things that don’t make sense.
Spoiler block
Unfortunately, that friend who cannot help but post sporting results/Game of Thrones twists/the winner of The Bachelor is here to stay. Mr Zuckerberg, do you have any idea what it’s like to be at work, or at some event you were obliged to attend, and not be able to check Facebook out of fear that it will reveal something we’ve been holding out to watch?
God forbid we have to put our phones away and speak to the people around us. Yuck. This is 2016, not 1916.
Enter: The spoiler block. The feature would allow us to identify key words eg. ‘Masterchef’ and block any content featuring that word. No longer will people have wasted 100 hours of television viewing to be told the winner via Tom Smith’s grammatically incorrect status.
Top Comments
I really dislike the attempt to install a DISLIKE button.
People keep on requesting one without realizing what they're actually asking for.
It means that the next time you pour your heart out to friends about you state of mind or your horrible experience somewhere or your heartfelt opinion about some world event, some jerk can click on DISLIKE without qualifying why........just a cowardly CLICK ! and then they piss off.
How would that feel ?
Always be careful what you wish for.
I'm simple just bring back the customisable news feed.
If I just want to see statuses? Click and done. No adds or pictures.
And stop trying to tell me who I want to see in my news feed as well. Yes, I realise you show the more common ones I interact with but that is because you are showing them in my news feed so of course they will get more likes and comments. Even most recent doesn't show everyone.