Well, I’m not going to lie… it’s pretty special.
Okay, no: let me actually start by saying that as a general rule, interviews with very famous people can be a bit weird and stagy. They usually take place in hotel rooms. You go into the room and they’ll already be there, maybe sitting in an armchair, looking very tired.
The lights will be dimmed, and there will be hotel-style flowers on the side tables, and soft music will be playing. You sit and talk for 20 minutes, which isn’t enough time, and they want to promote a film, a song, or a book so you don’t really have a heart-to-heart.
There are exceptions, and apparently Tom Cruise is one. I’ve never met him, but my colleague, Bryce Corbett, says that Tom Cruise wants to convert every single person on earth to the Church of … Tom Cruise! He’s 100 per cent present in the room. So bright is his light, he’s often all you can see.
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I was lucky enough to win tickets to one of her Opera house shows a few years back. The one where Hugh Jackman cut his face. She was amazing and funnily enough when the cameras stopped rolling she liked to swear. A lot. I liked that, she seemed so real.