We thought it was bad when Robin Thicke’s new album only sold 530 copies in the UK.
Then we heard it only sold 54 copies in Australia.
We ran lemonade stalls on the corner of our streets growing up that were more successful than that.
There are a lot of things ranging from mediocre to pretty goddamn terrible that fared better than Robin Thicke’s new album. Let’s go through a few, shall we?
11 things more successful than Robin Thicke’s new album.
Vegemite 2.0
The TV show The Shire.
Madonna’s film career.
Rebecca Black’s infamous single, “Friday”.
Russell Crowe’s band.
Buskers who pretend to be statues.
The weird green milk sold only in Canberra.
Lara Bingle’s reality TV show.
Vanilla Coke.
Benedict XVI’s Papacy.
James Middleton’s Instagram marshmallows.
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I'd like to know what exactly a 'freak hot dog accident' entails...
a kid I once knew choked on one and died at the local petrol station years back... so im going to say Choking!
Western Australia also has green milk... but ours is awesome. I don't understand how milk and citrus would go together, but milk and spearmint is all good.
I honestly hope that this flavoured milk comes to my hometown. I love spearmint.
When I moved over East I ordered a Spearmint milkshake at a cafe and the waiter looked at me as if I had gone crazy. I didn't know that it was only us that had spearmint milk. It was then I realised I had made a huge mistake moving away from WA... haha