It’s awkward. It’s painful. It’s the last text message you got from your ex.
Youtubers Eva and Mel have taken post-breakup awkwardness to a whole new level with their new video #FamousLastTexts, where people read aloud the last text message they got from their ex.
Get your cringe face ready. None of them are pretty.
1. The super-casual-what’s-going-on text.
Allie, babe, I admire your persistence. I really do.
Unfortunately, it’s been scientifically proven that the number of Ys you add to the end of normal words is directly proportional to your desperation.
2. The “I’m kind of a big deal now” text.
It’s a tough call, because now she has to weight up his huge wealth against his extreme douchebaggery.
Choose wisely, my friend.
3. The “I literally could not think of any other excuse to make you go away” text.
Wait, you weren’t coming over just for the chili?
Too bad, bro. Too bad.
4. The “I’m-still-technically-married” text.
Pfft. Kate. So hung up on technicalities.