
Has there been too much talk about Heath and not enough about war?

Montel Williams is an American talk-show host. Here he is on the Fox Morning Show, railing against the coverage of Heath Ledger’s death and comparing one life to the 28 soldiers who died in Iraq the day before.

And what about the Iraqi civilians! How many of them died! It’s not just about Amercians, Montel….

Look, I think the war is appalling and messy and I’m not proud to say that I change the channel and turn the page of the paper when Iraq news comes up. But Heath? Oh I’m reading everything about that.
Was his life more important than the people dying in wars or famines around the world? i’ve certainly not seen a death media frenzy like the Heath one for years….since…..well, Anna Nicole certainly didn’t get this kind of coverage.

What do you think? Are we being death voyeurs. Should we just let him be buried and move on?