Spoiler alert. If you haven’t watched the episode… You know the drill.
We begin our episode at Castle Black, where Jon Snow is heading off on the Great Westerosi Road Trip (those always end well) with Tormund. Winter really is coming, because it’s now snowing heavily at The Wall, and all the little Night’s Watchmen look like cute, surly lamingtons.
Jon sets off with his Chekov’s Dragonglass and Sam and Gilly attend to Maester Aemon, who has gone from hale and healthy election-changer to sweaty, Egg-hallucinating old timer in the space of a few episodes. I’m 99% sure that his is the only non-violent death in the series this far, and 100 years of age is a pretty fine effort considering the sum total of medical knowledge in this world is leeches and boiled wine. And now his watch is ended. On the whole, a touching farewell to one of the nicest, and excessively ancient, men in Westeros.
Watching this I did think to myself – wow, Sam is kind of screwed. Jon gone, Aemon gone… and then Alliser Thorne LITERALLY pointed that out. Seriously, this guy is THE WORST. Let me figure these things out myself, Al. To drive the point home, Game of Thrones decided to dial up the sexual assault quotient, and have two Night’s Watchmen try and force themselves on Gilly, before the were defeated by Sam. Sorry – by Ghost, or “deus ex machina” if you will.
Sam got some saucy oath-breaking lovemaking for his troubles though. Ghost got an extra can of Chum or something, I’m assuming.
Speaking of sexual assault (GRIM SEGUE), you probably spent all last week debating that scene at the end of last week’s episode. Here’s the sad news: things are not getting better for Sansa. In fact, they are getting a whole lot worse.