According to every single calendar (don’t worry, I have checked), apparently yesterday was not just Christmas, and somehow very soon it will be Easter (I swear someone somewhere has stuffed up, but anyway…). At the bare minimum this means four dedicated family days, which can be amazing if you’re prepared, or, will see you locking yourself in the toilet with wine and your children’s Easter eggs if you’re not.
Given the latter is not a good look, I have put together a guide for how to create a magical Easter, all in the time it will take you to eat 12 hot cross buns (staggered of course – don’t pretend you won’t).
1. The Thursday Before Easter.
On the Thursday evening, create an Easter Bunny “hutch” with your cherubs using a shoe box or a laundry basket. Pad the base with a blanket and a torn up newspaper and make sure you put a few carrots inside it. This is where you/Bunny can place the Easter gifts over the next four days.