Whether it’s too much coffee, not enough sleep or the nightly glass (or five) of wine – we know we’re not supposed to do some things, but we do them anyway. After a hard day at work or when the kids are finally asleep, it’s natural to want to reward yourself.
But all those small indulgences can add up to bigger health problems. And guess what? They’re not doing your appearance any favours either. Here’s how six common culprits are stopping you from well, looking your best, and how you can fix them.
1. Spending an hour on your iPhone before going to bed.
Every night you resolve to go to bed early, and even if you do get under the covers before 11pm, somehow that ‘quick look at Instagram’ turns into 45 minutes staring at a fashion blogger’s boyfriend’s best mate’s cat’s profile.
Not only does Instagramming or texting late at night use up the precious minutes we could be sleeping, the blue light reduces the amount of melatonin in our brain, making it harder to fall asleep. When our natural circadian rhythm gets out of whack, our skin cells can’t turn over as efficiently. The result is dull skin and over time, more wrinkles.
Related: Can’t go 2 mins without checking your phone? Here’s how to cure your addiction.
The fix: Put your phone on flight mode and out of your reach. Or better still, leave it out of the bedroom entirely and use an alarm clock to wake up.
2. Not getting your six to eight a day.
You know you’re supposed to drink around six to eight glasses of water a day, but when 6pm rolls around you can count your fluid intake on one hand, dehydration can set in. It wreaks havoc on the skin, making it look (and feel) dry, wrinkled and the skin around our eyes darker and sunken.