
Apparently what you do for a living can stop you from getting sex.

A new study is out. And it’s bad news for the lion tamers out there.

When you’re dating, it’s likely that the person’s profession will play a small part in your opinion of them. Maybe they’re an actor, and you’re using them to get to their more famous friends. Maybe they’re a nurse, and you’re hoping they can soothe you when you’re ill.

Or maybe, unlike me, you’re not a judgemental bitch who bases her opinions off people’s jobs.

It turns out a lot of people are just as bad as I am: A new study coming out of the UK has found the top ten jobs men and women find attractive. says the most attractive career for both women and men is anything in the field of medicine.

But then it gets a bit different.

Women like lawyers and doctors, obviously because of the money and no other reason whatsoever.

Here’s the full list of jobs women find attractive in men.

And here’s the list of jobs men find attractive in women.

Does a person’s career impact your opinion of them? 

Want more career advice? 

Radical idea: Could job-hopping be good for your career?

Everyone’s on the 5:2 diet. Just not the right one.

You need to stop thinking of your career as a ladder. Instead, think of it as a jungle gym.