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babble May 31, 2024

The idea that this could be cheating is like saying that taking pain relief is cheating. People need to stop judging others. 

babble May 29, 2024

I’m actually not surprised that men don’t know this. 

babble May 29, 2024

Keep doing what you are doing. My kids are getting older and I’m starting to think about solo travel in a group. Women’s only would be my preferred option. 

babble May 28, 2024

I enjoyed this article. I think that often our reactions to the internet say more about us than the people in the story. 

babble May 28, 2024

I do think that millennials have been as nasty towards boomers - not about fashion though but some of the language that I’ve read about boomers with respect to housing etc has been terrible. 

I’m thankful that I’m Gen x and we just slide under the inter generational radar. 

babble May 27, 2024

I cut her a bit of slack here. She is probably middle class wealthy.  There is a huge range of wealth I think it was the series Sucession that described it really well something like poor rich, mid rich and really rich then the billionaires. 

babble May 24, 2024

A prenup is a great idea I think. We didn’t get one because we both didn’t have anything - no debts and no huge assets. However I wood encompass kids to get one. The benefits are also that it forces you to have a frank discussion about assets, money and what happens if it all goes wrong. Hard no on ethical monogamy for me but each to their own. 

babble May 24, 2024

I don’t understand how a baby name can be quite luxury. She is a human being not a brand 

babble May 22, 2024

@anniej333 lots of places email receipts. 

babble May 22, 2024

I actually like being old/in my 40s. Getting old is a privilege and I do find it funny that gen Z feels such a need to differentiate themselves. Of course they are more likely to know the current trends because it is their role to do so at this point in their lives . They are young, but one day they too will be mid. 

babble May 22, 2024

My heart goes out to his mother. This reminds me of what happened to Rose Battie’s son not so long ago. 

babble May 20, 2024

I obviously don’t know the ins and outs of this but if she is spending child support on plastic surgery then he has a real gripe here -  $756k USD is a heck of a lot of child support. 

babble May 18, 2024

@yolandilr there is being Catholic, which I am, and being sexist. Why did he not tell the men in the audience that they should prioritise being a father over career? Also he assumed that in every relationship the woman stays home full time. You can be catholic and structure your family life in many ways. You can be Catholic and like myself have kids but no interest in being a full time homemaker. You can be Catholic and be a stay at home dad. 

babble May 18, 2024

I think it’s also deciding where you draw the line in the sand. I love cooking and so will happpily make lunches for everyone. I will also drop things they forget to school as I drive past it. . However I do not look for ‘lost’ items or make beds anymore. It’s not my jam.  It took a little while but they now know not to ask mum to find their school shoes and things like that. 

babble May 17, 2024

@yolandilr the problem is that his beliefs are sexist and small minded. If I was a women enrolled in that college I would reconsider my enrolment if those views represent the faculty. Soley being a wife and mother is wonderful for some women if it is their choice. However hitching your wagon to a man has historically not been so great for many women. 

babble May 16, 2024

@laura__palmer referring to the merging of surnames as mature did not imply that every other option including changing your name was immature. 

babble May 15, 2024

I always find it odd how politicians of both side of the fence feel the need to bring their families into what is essentially a work presentation.  I don’t recall ever inviting my husband and kids to watch me deliver a PowerPoint or conduct a conference call. I don’t care what she was wearing although she looksd awesome in that dress. 

babble May 12, 2024

So true.  My parents left the Australia when we left home and it did destabilise my sense of ‘home’ at the country level. I realised that home was where they were even if I didn’t live there. Then I had kids are now I am someone else’s ‘home’ for 20 years.  However my husband and I are downsizing to an apartment the moment my kids move out. 

babble May 12, 2024

@laura__palmer fair enough, I think it’s an individual decision and not a marker of feminism. I took the articles to be about keeping the maternal surname because the mother does most of the work and to be a feminist. I considered keeping mine because it was very ethnic, I liked it and my husband was Anglo.  I had a male colleague who changed his surname to a compilation of his and his wife’s / created a new family name. This was the most modern and mature option that I have seen. 

babble May 10, 2024

I do find it ludicrous that women want to continue a surname that that is ‘theirs’ when in most cases it come down their own patrilineal line. This is just tokenism mixed with a dash of misandry.